Ms. Nigar Nazar is the first female cartoonist of Pakistan, and also the Muslim World. Five decades ago she invented Gogi (a young female who isn’t afraid to speak her mind) and started designing comic strips for a local newspaper making it the first ever to be set in Pakistan. Since then Gogi has achieved mass popularity and through her she has brought to fore many social and political issues in a humorous manner. Ms. Nazar has also been the flag bearer for Pakistan all over the world through her work, as her cartoons have been published in countries such as Turkey, Libya, Australia, UK, Africa and Kyrgyzstan.
Since the beginning of her career she has been championing the cause of women’s rights and has earned many distinctions such as in 2005 she was conferred the Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah award for her contribution to Art. In 2014 she was chosen by the BBC as one of the ‘100 Global women who had made a difference’. In 2015 a short documentary about her was produced and aired by a leading Japanese Television channel, NHK. While in 2019, she was featured in Maliha Abidi’s ‘Pakistan for Women’, an illustrated book which tells the stories of 50 Pakistani women who have ‘achieved something extraordinary!’
Nigar Nazar is the founder of Gogi Studios which has been involved with various national and international campaigns for creating awareness about social issues since the 1990s. This has been achieved through books, brochures, manuals, posters, hospital murals as well as bus and van wrappings. She has authored and illustrated 30 books for young readers . Her graphic novel on Corruption was launched by The President of Pakistan at The Presidency.
She is twice a Fulbright Scholar and was the first to be nominated for the “Fulbright Specialist Program” at Colorado College. She is also one of the founding members of the Asian Youth Association for animators and cartoonists (AYAAC), China.
Nigar put aside the book which she was working on for The Clean and Green Pakistan, when Corona struck; she volunteered to address children’s mental health by doing a series of Art and Craft programs on her You Tube Channel, under the title of HAPPY HANDS

She has worked in the following areas:
1. Women empowerment (as an author and illustrator for NGO STEER)
2. Human Rights (STEER as an author and illustrator)
3. Child Safety (PLAN as an illustrator and Concept Artist)
4. Health and Hygiene (UNICEF as a concept artist and illustrator)
5. Corruption (Asian Development Bank, STEER as author and illustrator)
6. Interfaith Harmony (STEER)
7. Extremism (STEER)
8. Girls Education (ICRC as author and animator, STEER as author and illustrator)
9. Earth Quake and Natural Disasters (JICA as illustrator)
10. Good Governance (Concept artist for US EMBASSY)
Fulbright scholar at the Art Department of The University of Oregon. Diploma in Professional upgrading (Cartooning)
Six-week training in cel animation at the subsidiary of Hanna Barbera Studios Manila, Philippines. Attended as a UNICEF attachment.
Graduate (Fine Arts and English Literature) Punjab University,
Lahore. Computer Animation course from (ANU) , Australia National University, Canberra, Australia: Airbrush painting course from Australia National University.
Life Drawing classes from (ANU) Australia National University,
Life drawing classes from Alfred Deakin School, Curtin, Canberra.
Exclusive training on product’s Import and Export organized by USAID Marriott Islamabad.
The first woman cartoonist of the Muslim world Awarded The Fatima Jinnah Award by The Government of Pakistan for contribution in Art (.2005) She was nominated by BBC for “100 Global women who made a difference in 2014” The President of Pakistan launched her book on Corruption called “Gogi says NO to Corruption”.US Embassy gave her the award for Distinguished Fulbright Specialist in 2016 and again in 2018. She was nominated by National Book Foundation to be The Book Ambassador for 2016 and again for 2017. Nigar was voted for THE NEWS POWER WOMEN 50.
She was nominated by BBC for “100 Global women who made a difference in 2014”
NHK largest TV channel in Japan has produced a 28-minute documentary which was aired on February 19 and 20, 2015. The International Karachi Book Fair and National Book Foundation hosted Nigar at the four day Fair at The Convention Center.
October 2013-received award of “Unique Expression” from Cupola and KFC at The 10th Teachers Convention in Lahore
Books and Puppet shows:
2013: Nigar has authored and illustrated 30 comic books on subjects such as health, hygiene, environment and disaster management, Child safety, Interfaith Harmony, Extremism, Corruption, Road Safety, Girls Education, Women Rights, Climate Change, Cultural Tourism and many more.
Puppet show at the time of 2008 earthquake was scripted and performed soon after the survivors were brought in from Balakot and the surrounding area.
This had elements of trauma counselling incorporated for the young survivors. The Gogi puppet show became popular and had to be repeated.
After the Army Public School Tragedy on December 16, 2014, Gogi Studios under the guidance of Nigar Nazar prepared another puppet show for trauma counselling of the survivors and families.
Timeline of creative output:
February 25,2022:
The Book on Climate change and Global warming was completed for publication and Lauch. ”My Tree Book” was launched at The National Council of the Arts by the Minister of Climate change ,Malik Amin Aslam Mime and the theme song was launched simultaneously.
March 2021:
CARTOONING NO LAUGHING MATTER a webinar for Karachi Literature Festival, moderated by Nigar Nazar in which global and local cartoonists were interviewed.
(Kenya, America, Iran and Pakistan)
The next year the participants were from Spain, Iran and Pakistan.
March 2021:
Celebrated International Women’s day with Oxford University Press employees in the region through a webinar.
Pakistan in 2047: 100 years of independence. A webinar with Umar T. Pirzada (UTP) “Pakistan in 2047” what will Pakistan be like when it completes 100 years.
February 2021:
Book for kids on road safety produced for National Highways & Motorway Police NHMP. She received the presentation by inspector general and all ranks
International Childhood Cancer Day An experience of spending time with children battling cancer. Gogi Studios went to entertain and encourage them to fight the battle like superheroes. Ms Nigar Nazar did it with her cartoons, lively chat, and drawings. Gogi danced to the song produced at Gogi studios. Gifts of Gogi storybooks and Gogi sketchbooks were given to every cancer patient.
Children’s Literature Festival, Nigar Nazar participated in CLF with her online session. She got the children in the positive mode through, a song she wrote.” ik Achae bhi achi hy” Creativity captures the fancy of children.
She teaches how through Huroof-e-Tahaji alphabets and numbers you can learn to appreciate form and design and turn those into cartoony doodles.
Gogi Books are sent to Alif Laila Bus society for the mobile rickshaw and chingchi rickshaw mobile library. These mobile libraries do the rounds in marginal societies.
“Gogi Studios Supports Camel Mobile Library” Nigar Nazar through her studio contributed Gogi books for the Balochistan villages. Gogi Books are now to be carried by ” Roshan” the 12-year-old camel and his companion to hundreds of children who will continue to read in the remote ‘Kech’ district of Balochistan.
Pakistan Learning Festival, ‘Seekho aur Sikhao” Nigar Nazar Participated with her a motivational session for children through her popular book “koorey ka jin (The Garbage Monster)”.
Interactive session with LAHORE GRAMMAR SCHOOL children her youngest audience.This was a voluntary activity to address their mental health.
Nigar Nazar was invited to address the students of PAF Finishing School Where she shared her works and cartoons and talked about the mission of herlife. Spreading education thorough of her life.
January 2021:
UNITY IN DIVERSITY: Cartoonist Nigar Nazar is sharing her views through her illustrative work. for the webinar hosted by Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom.
January 2021:
“Happy Hands”, an Art and craft show was devised for the You tube channel for the mental health of children during the Covid-19 lockdown This weekly show continued for 5 months.
December 2020:
Webinar organized by (Women Research and Resource Centre) on the relevance of 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence. Nigar Nazar, CEO of Gogi Studios & Pakistan’s First Women Cartoonist, was the resource person of this webinar. Fatima Jinnah Women University hosted and organized the webinar.
UNITY IN DIVERSITY: Celebrating Cultural Diversity as Conflict Resolution Mechanism in Pakistan. Nigar Nazar was a Panelist on the Fb live session. This was hosted and organised by Friedrich Naumann Foundation.
March 2019:
An exhibition titled `Free from Fear of digital illustrations was held at Pakistan National Council of the Arts (PNCA), highlighting harassment and violence against women. Nigar Nazar was one of the judges and opened the event with her detailed observations for the Communication Design SABS University.
Nigar Nazar, the first Pakistani & Muslim World female cartoonist was invited by Halton District School Board to give a presentation of her work in White Oaks Secondary School, Toronto. It was an interactive session with the students.
Nigar Nazar was given the Best Cartoonist award at a seminar held on the occasion of Women’s International Day entitled Role of Women in the Development of Pakistan and our Social Responsibilities (in Islamabad) National Library of Pakistan.
Awarded the prize for exemplary services by United Relief Foundation and the National Council For Social Welfare.
May 2019:
Participation at Quomi Kitaab Mela at Pak-China Friendship Center with one hour Gogi show.
July 2019:
Gogi’s Baby book is launched by the Federation of University Women in Islamabad club.
February 2019:
Nigar Nazar gave a presentation of her work in Kafe kaam with regards to her awareness of comic books particularly the book on girls education.
The book that changed the life of a village girl “Fruits of learning”. Tahira’s letter brought cheers and tears to the creative people at Gogi studios.
January 2019:
Islamabad Children’s Literature Festival 2019. Participated in a one hour presentation on the theme of environment.
July 2018:
The Gogi show at PNCA. Cartoonist Nigar Nazar of Gogi Studios gave a session in cartooning to the children attending the Summer camp at The Pakistan National Council of the Arts. In this voluntary session, the veteran cartoonist entertained and educated through her cartoons and animation. She screened Gogi Animated spots on elections as well.
2018 Fulbright Alumni Conference. Nigar Nazar Put forth her proposal for Community Building as a Fulbright Alumni. Theme: Art and Culture.
April 2018:
The “Gogi show” event. Held at Pak-China Friendship Center Topic ” Pakistani Heroes “Organized by National Book Foundation at their annual Kitab Mela.
August 2018:
Award Ceremony of Distinguished Alumni Award 2018. Highest acknowledgement of Pakistan-U.S. Alumni Network (PUAN) to its emerging leader. Charge de Affairs US Embassy Mr John Hoover presented the Shield of Distinction to Nigar Nazar.
February 2017:
Aizan Development Foundation with the support of the Agha Khan Rural Support Programme organized a Women Economic Empowerment Programme. Nigar was one of the speakers.
May 2017:
Nigar Nazar has been invited by the COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, the Department of Management Sciences to be the keynote speaker at their symposium today.
March 2017:
A World Of Tomorrow, A conference hosted by Qasim Kasuri of Beacon house School. Nigar Nazar as one of the panelists for the discussion “Who owns our cultural Heritage”.
August 2015:
Visit to Minnesota Minneapolis World Intellectual Property Day – presentations
December 2012:
Gave a series of lectures to artists and illustrators for the Peshawar Textbook board in Peshawar.
November 2012:
Participated in the Peshawar Children Literature Festival
August 2012:
Gave a video concourse to the Anthropology students at Harvard.
February 2012:
Participated in the Karachi Literature Festival with the launch of a book on the environment.
October 2011:
Completed bus design on Right to Information. Latest Book “Babloo-the little boy who didn’t like books” published by Oxford University Press.
September 2011:
Participated as a resource person in the conference on gender studies organised by the American Institute of Pakistan Studies. “Women Rights through the pen of a cartoonist”
August 2011:
Gave a lecture to Harvard students through video conference.
July 2011:
Completed one comic book on Right to information. for the German NGO FNF.
June 2011:
Completed one comic book related to basic information on Budget. for the German NGO FNF.
January 2011:
Conducted 2 hours workshop for an audience of Knowledge Festival organized by The Ministry of Education in The Convention Centre.
December 2010:
Participated in the International Youth Conference as a panellist on Social Change and mobilizing the Peace process through Comic Art.
October 2010:
Participated as a jury member and represented Pakistan in FIBDA Algiers (Festival of Comic Art).
July 2010:
Jury member for an International Comic Art Competition organised by AYAAC(Asian Youth Association for Animators and Cartoonists) in Guiyang China.
June 2010:
Conducted a 5 days workshop on Cartooning and Animation in The City School Islamabad designed to develop civic sense through her cartoons.
May 2010:
Participated in the Vexnet exhibition of Products, organised by USAID. Awarded shield of distinction for innovative products by the Jury.
April 2010:
Invited by National Book Foundation as a member of the Jury for selecting the best-illustrated book.
January 2010:
Wrote and illustrated five “Awareness comic books “on skills of life: Girl’s Education, Corruption, Anti Recruitment. Women’s rights and Sectarian Violence. The books are printed in Pashto and English languages also.
November 2009:
Participated in the advisory committee for children’s picture books and graphic novels at The National Book Foundation.
Invited by The National Book Foundation and GTZ to participate in the Karachi International Book Fair and conducted a two-day workshop in Cartooning in the Expo Centre.
October 2009:
Exhibition of Gogi Cartoons at The Fine Arts Centre in Colorado Springs USA.
September 2009:
Fulbright Fellowship under the program, ”Visiting Specialist-Direct access to the Muslim World” for six weeks at Colorado College, Colorado Springs. The USA. Lectures and live cartoon demonstrations at all levels of the community including a Chapel, High School, University in Portland, World affairs Council and the Air Force Academy.
One day workshop in Cartooning for the Swat Girls retreat organised by the NGO Shaj-re-Ilm. The workshop was designed to give trauma counselling to students whose schools had been blown up by religious extremists. Malala Yousafzai was a part of this group, She and the rest of the group received the popular book on Environment, authored by Nigar Nazar titled “ Koorey ka Jinn”
August 2009:
Jury member for an International Comic Art Competition organised by AYAAC (Asian Youth Association for Animators and Cartoonists) in Guiyang, China. Gave presentation “Cartoons as a means of social change and Activism”.at The Jileng College of Art
July 2009:
One week workshop in Cartooning at Lahore Gymkhana
July 2009:
”Impact of Creativity in Communication” A workshop devised for The Higher Education Commission. Thirty faculty members from all over Pakistan attended.
June 2009:
Discussion on Earth Day for Pakistan Television morning show with Director General, Ministry of Environment.
”Celebrating womanhood with humour and cartoons” A presentation at Pearl Continental for International Women Club, Lahore.
Outreach program on Environment for two Government/CARE schools in Lahore.
May 2009:
”Say No to Drugs “Art contest at Iqra University, Islamabad. Served as a Jury member.
March 2009:
Jury for Mother’s day card Contest organised by KFC for Islamabad and Rawalpindi Regions.
August 2008:
Conducted a workshop for children from disadvantaged communities on Cartooning. The concept was to teach how to create a mascot for a campaign on Corporal Punishment called “Learn without fear” Hosts were PLAN, an International NGO.
July 2008:
Interview on DAWN News TV Channel “Fabricate “ program regarding the book on Cultural Tourism.
March 2008:
Interview on Sama TV on the morning show “Salam Pakistan”.
February 2008:
Social Awareness Program at The City School for 160 students.
November 2007:
Book Launch at Streetsville Gallery, Toronto, Canada.
Book Launch and Presentation at The Noor Centre, Toronto.Canada
TV Talk Show for CTV Toronto.
A TV talk show for “Sursaager” Program
Lectures and Talks.
October 2007:
Lecture on Community Art to The Final Year students of the Art Department at The York University Canada.
September 2007:
Prepared and delivered a program of Social Awareness through Cartoons to ROOTS, CITY and Beaconhouse schools .
July 2007:
10-day Cartooning workshop at Lok Virsa.
February 2007:
Cartooning seminar at The Bahria University. Topic: Creativity through Animation
May 2007:
Decorated the Children Psychiatric Ward at The Rawalpindi General Hospital with Murals and hanging Baby animal mobile. Gave Presentations to The Asian Study Group .”Panoramic view of a cartoonist’s work” Interview was given to Voice of America,aired on GEO News on May 17 and 18,2007.
July 2006:
Prepared and illustrated 2 books for children on Disaster Management- A JICA project for the earthquake areas.
April, May, June 2006:
Prepared and trained graduates in animation .9 animation clips have been made on social and civic responsibilities of us as Pakistanis.To be aired on Pakistan Television from December 3, 2006.
March 2006:
Designed and authored a Baby Record Book under publication with Ferozsons.
February 2006:
Invited to appear on four-morning transmissions with PTV 1 , ATV,PTV 2 and Hum TV (interview with A woman of substance’ personality of today etc).
Received Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah Award from the Govt of Pakistan for contribution in the field of Art.
Prepared training modules for HIV Aids with a board game for UNICEF.
The prepared educational training module of SMC for ESRA.
Guest cartoonist for drawing live cartoons on Environment at The Environment and Gender Conference organised by Ministry of Environment at Margalla Motel.
Ministry of Environment published the book written and illustrated by Nigar along with an Environmental Board game for children “Koorey ka Jin”.
Guest Speaker at Shifa International Hospital, Islamabad annual Dinner.
Guest Speaker at all Pakistan Childrens Meet in Murree organised by Adventure Foundation.
Designed a Calendar and illustrated 3 training modules for the Devolution Support program under Asian Development Bank.
Prepared a large backstage banner for Women Councillors Conference and a diary 2005 for The Women’s Wing of Pakistan Muslim League.
Prepared a wall calendar for ADMORE Oil and Gas Company.
Decorated the District (Public)Hospital, Rawalpindi with Gogi cartoons carrying health messages.This is the first phase. The messages were in cartoons for the Psychiatrist Ward
Illustrated the two books for The Career Center of The University of Oregon titled Resume and Cover Letter and “The Job Search and Interview. I was awarded this assignment after an open competition between students, graduates and professionals.
Designed and displayed a 40 ft banner for The Universal children’s Day at The Convention Centre.Also wrote a comedy skit for children that was enacted by the central cartoon character, “Gogi “along with street children and students. This function was organised by The Ministry of Women Development and social welfare.
Designed three new buses for the second largest city of Pakistan, Lahore These cartoons are wrapped on the public buses and all carry community messages on subjects of Sexual harassment, female literacy and child safety (child abuse)There are altogether eight buses in Islamabad/Rawalpindi and three in Lahore. Other themes are environment, national unity, child rights and good governance. At present illustrating with cartoons, the second book for The University of Oregon called the “Job Search”.
Wrote and illustrated a fun book on Ecology for children. “The Garbage Monster” has been entered in the” Noma Concours ” competition of ACCU, The Asia Pacific Cultural Center for UNESCO. This competition is about excellence in children’s book illustrations.
Illustrated a book for University of Oregon graduates that teaches all about writing a Resume and a Cover letter in pursuit of a job.
Was chosen for a Fulbright scholarship in Professional Upgrading for nine months at The University of Oregon.
Entered a cartoon competition on Social, Environmental and Political themes for JAALA (Japan, Afro Asian Latin American)Exhibition. All three entries were
selected and featured in the catalogue.
Donated cartoons for a calendar, a fundraising effort for International Women
Association of Bucharest.
Developed a concept to communicate social messages on the exterior of public buses
through colourful cartoons. Completed seven buses with messages on Child rights,
Environment, Good Governance, Girls Education, Sexual harassment, National Unity, Ghost schools and Planting Trees.
Designed and produced an appointment book (with a cartoon on every page title page included).
Donated cartoons for a New Millennium calendar. This was a fundraiser for WAF (Women Action Forum) Islamabad chapter and the cartoons were all on women issues.
Recorded a series of programs for Pakistan Television. These consisted of drawing live cartoons to illustrate a storyline; forty-five editions for the Woman’s hour were screened four times a day on four different channels.
Prepared king-size cartoons on human rights for the Human Rights Convention in Islamabad, displayed at National Library and at present at The Ministry of Human rights.
Organised and conducted a Summer children Art workshop at the Islamabad Club with a follow up of distributing the Art and crafts thus created among the children at the Policlinic of Islamabad.
Instructor of “Life Drawing “ course for Fine Arts students at the Fatima Jinnah
Women University, Rawalpindi.
Designed ”Meena“ posters for UNICEF and local body election posters for UNESCO.
Solo Exhibition of Gogi cartoons at the National Gallery. Participated in the cartoonist Convention at ‘The National Art Gallery’ and read a paper.
Gogi cartoons appeared in the national daily, “Vicherney Bishkek” and US.
Embassy newsletter “ Bishkek Surname”, Kyrgyzstan.
Card of Gogi in Kyrgyzstan designed for fundraising to aid the displaced children
of a local orphanage.
Awarded the UNESCO BOORUKER Award for the voluntary work rendered for
the Orphanage in Bishkek.
Won the first Prize for the Red Cross Poster Competition on “Nine Billion worldPopulation “.
Entered two poster designs for the United Nations Development Programme competition on the subject of “Generations Together.”
Volunteered to make the biggest Children Hospital “PIMS”, (Pakistan Institute of
Medical Sciences) in the Rawalpindi district, child friendly. Large alphabets with
cartoon illustrations were put up in the expansive Outdoor patient Hall andcorridors. The launch was made on Children’s day with a Puppet show and
cartoon mural unveiling.
Freelance cartooning while in Canberra, Australia.
Designed cards and participated in the Cartoonist Convention, SydneyOrganised by ‘The Black and White Artists Club’.
Gave concept and illustrated a cartoon book on Health and hygiene for UNICEF
called “Nanhey Doctors”. It was translated, later, in local languages for other provinces.
Posters and pencil cases were designed to further reinforce the health and safety
messages and distributed all over the rural schools of Pakistan.
Founded the International Charity Group in Maputo, Mozambique. Presented
Groups’ cheque for the repair of a school building to the Minister of Education of Mozambique, Mrs Graca Machel.She later became Mrs Nelson Mandela.
Designed brochure on Aids and T.B.for Ministry of Health.
Taught Tri-chem painting to African ladies in Maputo. Declared number two
among the top Ten Instructors in Fabric Painting in Mozambique, Africa.
Interviewed on BBC TV Asian Programme as an active organiser of Asian
Women’s Group.
Interviewed for a half-hour program on BBC Radio at Bush House, London as
Pakistan’s first woman cartoonist.
Prepared and made illustrations for workbooks published by Multicultural
Education Dept. of Bradford, UK.
President of Pakistan Women Group, Bradford UK Organised national, cultural and religious functions.
Painted king size portrait of the father of the nation, Quaid-i-Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah, for Pakistan Day celebrations in Bradford, UK (which was unveiled by Member of Parliament, Mr Geoff Lawler).
Second book of cartoons: “Gogi on the Go” published by Pak-American publishers, Pakistan.
The first exhibition of Gogi Cartoons at the National Art Gallery. This exhibition
toured the major cities of Pakistan, Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar and Rawalpindi.
Cartoon contributions to:
1) Children’s magazine “Al -Amal” Tripoli Libya.
2)”The Mirror” Monthly, Karachi.
Contributed Gogi comic strips to the English daily Libyan newspaper,
“Jamahiriya Mail”.
The first book of Gogi cartoons published”Glad to meetcha Gogi” by Adam Publishers in Malta.
Wrote and drew live a cartoon story for Karachi Television “Phir Hua Yoon” A
twenty-four series weekly program that ran for six months.
Participated and drew cartoons for a Pakistan Television program designed for
children “Khel Khel Mein” which ran for over a year.
Freelance cartoonist for:
1)”The Herald” monthly.
2)”Teenager” monthly, Karachi.
Drew a daily Gogi comic strip for “The Sun” Daily.